Ngā Rohe

Regional Structure and Community Engagement in Te Ataarangi
Te Ataarangi is comprised of independently operating regions (rohe). Each rohe organise local community-based classes and immersion gatherings. Regional-coordinated activities represent the needs and interests specific to their community at a local level and foster the development of the next generation of speakers. This structure has allowed tribal dialects and vocabulary to flourish.

Kura Hāpori
Community-based classes
Community-based classes are informal classes run in various locations throughout the country. The focus is on speaking Māori in a supportive environment. Everyone learns together at the same pace.
You can learn to speak Māori with confidence in a fun and non-threatening manner. Te Ataarangi is best known for its use of Cuisenaire rods (rākau) in an immersion environment. It’s an effective method that works.
Community-based classes receive limited or no funding, therefore a fee may be charged. If you are interested in attending a community-based class, please find your rohe below.

Hui Whānui o Te Ataarangi
National Hui
Held annually at a national level, the Hui Whānui is hosted in turn by each of the Te Ataarangi regions. At these hui, participants engage in papamahi (workshops), listen to guest speakers, learn waiata, and partake in whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building) in an immersion environment.
The gatherings also feature activities for different levels of reo speakers, fostering a sense of community through games, haerenga (journeys), whakaari (performances), and the sharing of delicious kai.
The waka huia, known as the Te Taonga o Te Ataarangi, is taken and held by the rohe that will host the event the following year, symbolising the continuity and shared responsibility within the Te Ataarangi community.

Whakapā Mai
Get in touch
To discover more about classes, hui, and events offered by each rohe, please get in touch directly by referring to the map below to find out which rohe to contact based on your location.