Whakarauora Reo
Language Revitalisation

For 45 years Te Ataarangi has been at the forefront of Māori Language Revitalisation
Our language revitalisation initiatives focus on:
Working to support the Māori language being spoken naturally between generations in the home and community
Growing the numbers of people who speak te reo
Building speaker communities i.e bringing groups with a shared interest together to speak te reo
Accommodating local and regional language differences
“It only takes one generation to lose a language but at least three to bring it back”
Dr Joshua Fishman

What can you do to ensure the survival of te reo Māori?
Find a class that will help to develop your speaking ability
Return what you learn to the home and use it amongst all members of your whānau, especially children and mokopuna
Choose to use te reo Māori in everyday conversations, even a few words or phrases
Come together with others who speak te reo to increase your confidence e.g. coffee catch up, kapa haka, sports etc
Understand the importance of why we need to revitalise te reo Māori
How can you help increase the use of te reo Māori in the home?
It is very important that children see value in the language being spoken i.e they hear you use it often with them and others
Set goals for your whānau and plan how to achieve them (start small and build on that)
Choose times (during breakfast), places (in the car going to school) or context (sports group) in which to use te reo
Strengthen and use your reo with more confidence in a range of activities and situations
Learn pūrākau, history and waiata of your region
Te Āpōpōtanga
Te Āpōpōtanga is a crucial element of the Te Ataarangi Strategic Plan, shaping the Trust's future direction. The present emphasis is on enhancing capacity and capability across all regions of Te Ataarangi. Te Ataarangi appreciates the support from Te Mātāwai in realising this plan.
Te Āpōpōtanga
Te Māhuri – Te Ara Whakangungu Kaiwhakaako o Te Ataarangi
A national plan to increase the numbers of kaiwhakaako trained in Te Ataarangi methodology.
To graduate at least 100 new kaiwhakaako
New graduates will be trained in the principles of language planning and intergenerational language transmission
Also incorporates regional language and tikanga variations
We welcome trainees from all sources, this includes graduates of Kura Kaupapa, iwi representatives and those with an interest in whakarauora reo
Alongside the other strands of this project will be the ability to engage new Kaiako in full time work

Te Āpōpōtanga
Language Acquisition
The delivery of immersion based language learning sessions
To graduate at least 1000 students nationally
Includes night classes, day classes and weekend wānanga
Support students to develop language plans
Provide opportunities for students to use their reo outside of the formal learning environment
Te Āpōpōtanga
Pokapū Rumaki - Community Immersion Hubs
To prioritise building and supporting speaker communities
Facilitate immersion activities and events in the community
Increase spaces where te reo Māori is normalised and prioritised
Supporting whānau to manage language planning strategies ensuring intergenerational language transmission
Develop relationships with iwi and hapū to support their language strategies

Te Āpōpōtanga
Professional development training for current kaiwhakaako o Te Ataarangi
To provide training and up-skilling opportunities for experienced kaiwhakaako
Providing forums to update teaching and language revitalisation knowledge
Provide access to resources that will assist them in their roles within their rohe
Provide networking opportunities
Upskilling in use of the Learning Management System, an online platform
An opportunity to ensure quality delivery of services
Te Āpōpōtanga
Whakapakari rohe – Building regional capability and capacity
To enable rohe to deliver their own programmes and catering to the language needs of their communities
To assist with setting up governance structures, processes and procedures to enable long term, self-sufficient rohe
Up-skilling volunteers
To assist with accessing funding support to ensure continuation long term

Te Āpōpōtanga
Learning Management System
An online learning management facility to be developed and accessible by all rohe
Training will be provided in how to make full use of the LMS
Content will be added that is applicable to each rohe rohe including videos of mahi rākau, waiata, kōrero hītori
All rohe will have their own portal allowing storage and access of their own resources
All rohe will have the responsibility as to whether they want to share their information such as history and whakapapa with the general portal
Kaiako will be able to access information such as lesson plans, teaching and language revitalisation resources, etc.
Building the capacity to securely store student information enabling Te Ataarangi to gather crucial student data